Marketing researchers focusing on the point of purchase.


It has been common for many years for consumer researchers to assess the opinions and reactions of respondents in a variety of "laboratory" environments. These include university laboratories, special research facilities in shopping malls and the like. For several years there has been increasing interest in studying the purchase decisions of consumers at the point-of-purchase. This point-of-purchase type of research has been variously described as "assessment in context", "in-situ research", "natural research", "everyday research" and "in-store research". The Point-of-Purchase Study Group (POP-SG) is a coalition of academic, industrial and other researchers who maintain an active interest in, and promote some phase of this research.

The general purpose of the POP-SG is to serve as an educational information exchange among a network of researchers interested in conducting consumer research at the point-of-purchase. This is to be accomplished by:

  1. Establishing a roster of POP researchers and pertinent interested parties.
  2. Developing a bibliography of published and unpublished material that has a direct bearing on the utility and limitations of POP research. Proprietary or confidential information will be excluded from consideration.
  3. Disseminating literature on request to members of the Study Group. Copies of articles in the POP-SG annotated bibliography are available on request from Rebecca Taibl at 888-616-0123.
  4. Sponsoring study and consultation sessions for the group in conjunction with other professional meetings as well as promoting informal communications among the members of the group.


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