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Inside the Mind of the Shopper

In his new book, Herb Sorensen challenges the conventional wisdom of retailers and brands who don't understand how shoppers actually buy. A few highlights:

Sell more by featuring the small group of products that shoppers desire most - it's those they buy most.
Use a LARGE selection to attract shoppers, but don't bury the items they want most in a sea of merchandise.
Expedite the small basket "quick trips," which comprise half of all shopping trips and a third of total dollar sales.
Understand the buying hot spots, reach more shoppers and sell more items on their natural path.
The View Inside

These essays are a continuation of the work of a good friend and colleague, Bob Stevens. Bob, a researcher for Procter & Gamble for over 40 years, was a pioneer in in-store research and inspired much of my work. His original essays can be found at Views from the Hills of Kentucky.